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Improved corporate governance

Constant evolution is the trademark of Klabin's corporate governance, which offers the necessary support to its management towards sustainable growth. The launch of the ESG Dashboard in 2021, a platform that brings together Klabin's commitments, goals and main performance indicators, promoted a gain in transparency in the presentation of results and in rendering accounts about the Company's activities. 

Klabin's governance system is constantly evaluated by the Board of Directors, aiming to its improvement. The Company has a Corporate Governance Department which, among its attributions, is to establish procedures for the operation of the company's corporate bodies, as well as organize the agendas of matters to be dealt with in the Company's governing bodies.

The new channel dialogues with this Sustainability Report in the dissemination of the Company's initiatives, management, performance and challenges in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) spheres. In tune with the demands of the market, as well as investors, shareholders, and other stakeholders, the year 2021 was distinguished by governance improvement initiatives.

Advances in management accompany company growth

Mapping successors is a continuous focus at Klabin. Currently, 89% of the Executive Board is composed of professionals who made their careers at the Company and were internally mapped as potential successors through the Performance Cycle.

To sustain the Company's growth routes, an adjustment to the organizational structure was made, with the creation of the second Executive Board level, containing nine new positions divided among the areas. These professionals report to the Executive Board. In addition to bringing gains for management, the measure recognizes the employees and broadens the perspective of career development in the company. Its composition is as follows.

Participation in voluntary initiatives 

Gov corp - aprimoramento / texto participação em iniciativas voluntárias

UN's Global Compact: initiative promoted by the United Nations (UN) to engage companies and organizations in the adoption of ten universal principles in the fields of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anticorruption Practices, to develop actions aimed at addressing society’s challenges.


CDP: international non-profit organization that analyzes and recognizes the efforts of companies worldwide to manage the environmental impacts of their activities.


The most recent initiative is the ImPacto NetZero movement, which, launched in partnership with the UN Global Compact Brazil Network, represents a major step towards the realization of Klabin's purpose of contributing to building a renewable future. The Company is engaged with the Global Compact in the Sustainable Development Goals and with Disclosure, Insight, Action (CDP), among other initiatives.

See GRI indicator 102-12 in the ESG Dashboard.