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The Company's four business units (Forestry, Pulp, Paper and Packaging) range from the production and marketing of wood and pulp to the manufacture of paper and efficient packaging for a wide variety of market segments. Today, Klabin is the only company in the country to simultaneously supply hardwood pulp (eucalyptus), softwood pulp (pines) and fluff pulp (pine), in order to meet the demands of different branches of industry. Its packaging, in turn, in addition to being safe, is light, biodegradable, recyclable and comes from renewable sources.

A developed, modern world integrated with nature implies respect for all people. Since this is a non-negotiable value, Klabin encourages a healthy and fair work environment, where there is perfect integration among diverse teams, with equal opportunities, incentive for personal development and recognition of results.


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Pioneer in certification

Klabin is the first Brazilian company to obtain FSC® – Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC-C0172336 e FSC-C006109) certification for kraft lignin from pine and black liquor, byproducts of the pulp and paper manufacturing process, which are used for several purposes, ensuring the sustainability of the entire chain. The Company's pine forests are also certified by the FSC®, which attests to its commitment to environmental conservation.

2nd year on the Dow Jones list

For the second year running, Klabin is part of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), 2021/2022 edition, in two categories: World Index and Emerging Markets Index. This reinforces its place among the most sustainable companies in the world.

Leadership in environmental practices 

In 2021, Klabin was the only Latin American company invited to join the Business Leaders group at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. Since Eco-92, held in Rio de Janeiro, the company has been actively participating in environmental conferences and is already recognized worldwide for its good practices in this area.

Climate change

Klabin launched, in partnership with the UN Global Compact’s Brazil Network, the ImPacto NetZero movement, born from the urgency of collective mobilization to mitigate climate change.

Approved science-based targets

Klabin was the first pulp and paper company in Latin America to have its targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The initiative offers companies guidance, methods, and tools to support the adoption of science-based GHG reduction targets.

Business Sustainability Index

Klabin is part of the B3’s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) for the ninth consecutive year. The new portfolio composition, which comprises 34 companies, became effective on January 3, 2022 and will remain valid until the end of the year (December 30, 2022).

Triple A in CDP

For the first time, Klabin achieved the Triple A rating from CDP (Disclosure, Insight, Action) in the three programs: Climate Change, Water and Forests, having been the first company in Latin America to reach this position.

Ecosystem services

Klabin received unprecedented FSC® (FSC-C023492) certification for three ecosystem services – biodiversity conservation, carbon sequestration and storage, and watershed services – at Fazenda das Nascentes, located in the Serra da Farofa Complex Natural Heritage Private Reserve (RPPN) in Santa Catarina.

Certified honey production

In 2021, producers from the Planalto Serrano Catarinense Beekeepers’ Association (AAPSC), a partner in Klabin's Apiculture and Meliponiculture program, received the Imaflora chain of custody certification for the forest management of honey production. Within the scope of the Company's certification, Klabin also received Imaflora certification to attest to the feasibility of producing certified honey in its native forests.

For more information, see GRI indicators 102-1, 102-2, 102-5, 102-10, 102-12, in the ESG Dashboard.

Units and operations

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All the wood used in the pulp and paper production process comes from cultivated forests. In addition, the Forestry Unit sells wood in logs, which supply the furniture and civil construction markets. Mosaic planting, which combines planted forests with native forests, is the Company's registered trademark. The technique helps protect natural resources, improves the forests' production potential and collaborates in biodiversity conservation. There are 284,000 hectares of cultivated forests and more than 265,000 hectares of conserved native forests in the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, and São Paulo. 


Klabin is the only Brazilian company to produce and supply the market with three types of pulp – hardwood (from eucalyptus), softwood (extracted from pine) and fluff (specially produced from pine softwood) – in a single industrial unit. The plant, designed for this purpose, generates multiple solutions to meet the different market demands. Klabin's pulp comes from cultivated forests with socially and ecologically appropriate management, recognized by international certifications, which assess the entire process up to the manufacture of the final product.


Klabin is the largest manufacturer and exporter of packaging paper and paper packaging in Brazil. The paper and card are produced with own softwood and hardwood pulp, meeting global quality and sustainability standards. In 2021, the Company began selling Eukaliner®, the world's first kraftliner paper made from eucalyptus fibers alone. The Company's annual paper production capacity, which currently sits at 2.6 million tons, will reach the mark of 3.1 million tons in 2023 after the Puma II expansion project is complete.


Klabin leads the packaging segment in Brazil due to its ability to provide solutions for all types of business, including e-commerce. The company's proposal is to be "much more than just packaging," offering the customer functional, lightweight, economical, and biodegradable products, all from renewable sources. The Packaging Unit is also responsible for the production of recycled paper, processing more than 450,000 tons a year, which makes Klabin the biggest paper recycler in Brazil.

Key figures

Klabin adds years of history, transformations and achievements.

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plants, 22 in Brazil and one in Argentina.


direct and indirect employees.

4.9 million

tons of positive CO2 in the carbon emissions balance.

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2.6 million

tons of annual paper production capacity.

1.6 million

tons of market pulp production capacity per year.


tons of recycled paper.

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hectares of total forest area.


hectares of cultivated pine and eucalyptus forests, the equivalent of 284,000 soccer fields.


hectares of conserved native forests (42% of the total forest areas under management ).

Recognition and awards 

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WorldStar Global Packaging Awards

Klabin won the award in the Sustainability category due to the success of the dispersible bag, a type of packaging that can be mixed into its own contents without the need for disposal. Developed by the Klabin Technology Center and the Packaging area, the novelty was recognized for its sustainability attributes, along with its quality, functionality and sales appeal.
Produced with dispersible paper, the biodegradable packaging is suitable for packaging cement, because it can be integrated into the mixture when preparing the concrete. In addition to reducing waste disposal at the construction site, the dispersible bag is resistant and has excellent performance in bagging and palletizing.

2021 Bonds & Loans Latin America & Caribbean Awards

Featured in the ESG Deal of the Year category of the Bonds & Loans Latin America & Caribbean Awards, promoted by the Bonds & Loans Awards, an awarding entity created by the GFC Media Group (GFC) conglomerate. The recognition came for the USD 500 million Sustainability Linked Bond (SLB) issued in January 2021, with a ten-year maturity. Klabin's SLB was the bond with the greatest distinction in Sustainability/ESG compared to other companies in Latin American and the Caribbean, mainly for linking three important environmental goals in a single bond: reduction in water consumption; waste reuse and recycling; and biodiversity conservation. 

Leadership in sustainable procurement

In 2022, Klabin was one of the  winners in Ecovadis' Sustainable Procurement Leadership Awards, in the Increased Portfolio Performance category, with the best score for recovery and advancement in the scoring of its supplier portfolio.

Supplier Engagement Leaderboard

In early 2022, Klabin was also recognized by CDP on the Supplier Engagement Leaderboard. This recognition confirms the Company's efforts to encourage the entire production chain to act together to control climate change. The study assesses performance in supplier engagement using companies' own responses to questions regarding governance, science-based decarbonization targets, Scope 3 emission reductions, and supply chain engagement, aimed at raising the level of climate action. Among the companies that participated in the survey worldwide, only 8% were recognized.