Waste management
Waste management
Waste management is one of Klabin's priorities under the KSDG to zero the disposal of industrial waste in landfills by 2030. The commitment was reinforced in 2021 with the issuance of the Sustainability Linked Bond (SLB), which aims for the minimum rate of 97.5% reuse/recycling of solid waste by 2025 (See more about the SLB in Economic performance).
To this end, the Company maintains a series of initiatives focused on solving the problem, ranging from environmental awareness projects to support for members of the production chain, such as recycling professionals.
ISO 14001: standard that specifies the requirements of Environmental Management Systems and allows organizations to develop a structure to protect the environment and quickly respond to changes in environmental conditions. It takes into account environmental aspects influenced by the organization and others that can be controlled by it.

In 2021, the start-up of the Puma Unit expansion resulted in an increase in waste generation. The company managed, however, to maintain the waste reuse level of 2020, with a slight reduction (of 0.2%), which occurred mainly due to the expansion of the operation. The acquisition of five units, which added a total of 16,008 tons of unused waste, mostly from the scrubbing of chips for the recycling process, affected the result.
See GRI indicators 301-1, 306-2 and others related to the Waste management material topic in the ESG Panel.