Evolution of the 2030 Agenda 

In 2021, the Company maintained its trajectory focused on compliance with the KSDGs (Klabin's Sustainable Development Goals), which are aligned with the global agenda of the UN (United Nations Organization). The KSDGs are a set of short- (2021), medium- (2025) and long-term (2030) commitments that guide the Company's 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

The relevant and priority issues to be addressed in this agenda, derived from Klabin's growth plan, have their performance periodically disclosed in the ESG Panel (https://esg.klabin.com.br/en/), launched in 2021.

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Climate change

Goal: Net capture of 45 million tons of CO₂eq from the atmosphere between 2020 and 2030. 2021 result: 4.9 million tons of CO₂eq

Climate change

Goal: reduce scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 25% per ton of pulp, paperboard and packaging by 2025, and 49% per ton of pulp, paperboard and packaging by 2035. 2021 result: 7.5%.

Information security

Goal: 100% of direct and indirect employees included in the digital language by 2030. 2021 result: 50% of direct employees and 35% of indirect employees trained.

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Local development and impact on communities

Goal: Klabin's minimum acceptance rate in local communities at 80% by 2030. 2021 result: 80.3% in Paraná and 81.7% in Santa Catarina.

Waste management

Goal: zero destination of industrial waste to landfills by 2030. 2021 result: 98.1% of industrial waste reused.

Water use

Goal: 20% reduction in specific industrial water consumption by 2030. 2021 result: 16% reduction.

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Goal: provide 1 million native tree seedlings to recover degraded areas by 2030. 2021 result: 115,800.


Goal: reach 30% of women in leadership positions by 2030. 2021 result: 21.4%.

Supplier social and environmental performance

Goal: 100% of critical suppliers included in the Sustainable Supply Chain Management Program. 2021 result: 56%.