Wood suppliers
The year 2021 was marked by Klabin's very expressive growth, which made it necessary to increase investment in partnerships with rural producers in order to guarantee the supply of wood to accompany production expansion. Rural producers have been the Company's partners in its expansion trajectory.
Currently, about 40% of all the wood used in the production process is acquired from third-party forests, partners in initiatives such as Plant with Klabin program or independent producers, encouraged by programs for qualification and guarantee of origin.
The maintenance of these partnerships reinforces the company's commitment to favor the use of certified wood, originating from sustainable processes, in addition to contributing to expanding the producers' income and strengthening the forest-based economy in the region.
Guaranteed origin
Klabin maintains, together with its partners, the Forest Certification Program for Small and Medium-sized Rural Producers. The certificate is an affirmation that the timber producer operates with social and environmental responsibility and follows global forestry management standards.
The certification also adds value to the wood marketed by these producers, with benefits extending throughout the entire production chain. Klabin finances the process along with rural producers in Paraná and Santa Catarina, which have specialized consultants.
To guarantee the origin of the wood purchased from independent suppliers, who are not part of the Plant with Klabin Program (Forestry Partners), the Company maintains a product monitoring program. The Controlled Wood Program produces property assessments based on a specific methodology related to FSC® (FSC-C020628, FSC-C022516 e FSC-C023492) chain of custody certification, including aspects of economic management, environmental compliance and social impacts. This process is subject to annual maintenance audits conducted by Imaflora.
More than 112,000 hectares of total area of partner suppliers integrate the Certification Program in Paraná and more than 29,000 in Santa Catarina.
Plant with Klabin

Plant with Klabin: in Paraná since 2020 and now extended to Santa Catarina.
See indicators related to the Wood availability material topic in the ESG Panel.
Suppliers of products and services
Ensuring the sustainable life cycle of products also requires care in the choice of partners. In addition to guaranteeing the origin of the wood used in its own production, Klabin is committed to maintaining the sustainability of its entire supply chain. Therefore, the ESG evaluation criteria and indicators extend to suppliers of products and services as well. In 2020, 7,310 active suppliers, spread throughout Brazil, made up Klabin's supply chain.
The company maintains the Supplier Social and Corporate Responsibility Program, which, with the support of EcoVadis, is already in its third cycle. Klabin is recognized in the Platinum category, the institution's highest ESG rating, with the Ecovadis Sustainability Rating seal.
With a worldwide reputation in sustainable business classification, EcoVadis works on improving supply chain performance. Klabin was one of the first companies in Brazil to work with the institution, for the purpose of helping partners to evolve in processes related to the best sustainability practices. The EcoVadis evaluation follows strict criteria for measuring environmental preservation, respect for labor laws and human rights, ethical behavior, and sustainable procurement practices. Klabin seeks to support its suppliers in action plans.
As a supplier, Klabin is proud to have been recognized by EcoVadis, since the institution has developed the most precise methodology for evaluating sustainable practices in the value chain, the most valued today in the international market. This fact strengthens its responsibility in managing relevant ESG criteria. See more in Recognition and Awards.
See indicators 102-9, 204-1, 308-2, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, 414-2 and others related to Social and environmental performance of suppliers in the ESG Panel.