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Governance structure

Klabin's main governance bodies are the General Shareholders' Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Executive Board, the Advisory Committees to the Board of Directors and  the Fiscal Council. Its performance in synergy is aimed at the achievement of the Company's economic, social, and environmental results.

Councils and Committees

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Annual term of office until the next Annual General Meeting is held

Board of Directors – full members (2022)

Paulo Sérgio Coutinho Galvão Filho (presidente), Wolff Klabin, Alberto Klabin, Daniel Miguel Klabin, Vera Lafer, Francisco Lafer Pati, Horácio Lafer Piva, Roberto Klabin Martins Xavier, Celso Lafer*, Roberto Luiz Leme Klabin*, Sérgio Francisco Monteiro de Carvalho Guimarães*, Camilo Marcantonio Junior*, Mauro Rodrigues da Cunha*, Isabela Saboya*.
*Independent members, elected at a General Meeting held on March 23, 2022, for a one-year term.

Fiscal Council – full members (2022)

Annual term of office until the next Annual General Meeting is held

João Adamo Júnior, João Alfredo Dias Lins, Raul Ricardo Paciello, Maurício Aquino Halewicz*, Louise Barsi**.

* Elected by the common minority shareholders.
**Elected by preferred minority shareholders.

Advisory Committees to the Board of Directors (2022)

Annual term of office until the next Annual General Meeting is held

Audit and Related Parties Committee
Amanda Klabin Tkacz, Pedro Guilherme Zan, Camilo Marcantonio Junior.
People Committee
Horácio Lafer Piva, Francisco Amaury Olsen, Marcelo Bertini de Rezende Barbosa.
Sustainability Committee
Wolff Klabin, Roberto Luiz Leme Klabin, Reinoldo Poernbacher.

Executive Board (2022)

Klabin's Executive Board is made up of a statutory Executive Board and a non-statutory Executive Board, who report to the General Director.

Statutory Executive Board (2022)
Cristiano Teixeira – Chief Executive Officer
Marcos Paulo Conde Ivo – Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer
Francisco César Razzolini – Industrial Technology, Innovation, Sustainability and Projects Director
Flávio Deganutti – Director of the Paper Business

Non-statutory Executive Board (2022)
Alexandre Nicolini – Director of the Pulp Business
Ana Cristina Barcellos Rodrigues – People & Corporate Services Director
Douglas Dalmasi – Packaging Business Director
Fábio Medeiros – Legal, Integrity, Risk Management and Internal Controls
José Totti – Forestry Director
Sandro Avila – Operational Planning, Logistics and Procurement Director 

The Investor Relations website contains information (curriculum vitae) of the members of the Board of Directors and Executive Board.

See GRI indicators 102-18, 102-19, 102-20, 102-22, 102-23, 102-24, 102-26, 102-27 and 102-28 on the ESG Panel.

Committees have elected representatives and approved bylaws

After the creation of three advisory committees to the Board of Directors in December 2020 – the Audit and Related Parties Committee, the People Committee, and the Sustainability Committee – the year 2021 saw the election of their members, the approval of the internal regulations that govern their operation and the start of work meetings.

Each of these committees have three members elected by the Company's Board of Directors for a one-year term, which coincides with the term of office of the members of the Board of Directors itself, reelection being permitted.

Its representatives meet every two months to evaluate results and discuss strategies and, on an extraordinary basis, to debate and recommend relevant topics that require rapid consideration by the Board of Directors.