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Integrity program 

The Integrity Program is Klabin's main platform for managing ethical issues. Aligned with Klabin's 2030 Agenda, it brings together a series of procedures to prevent, detect and remediate conduct that may expose the Company and employees to situations contrary to the Company's principles and values.

In addition, it institutes initiatives in accordance with global best practices related to the subject, established in consistent pillars of action that support the development of activities such as the Code of Conduct, the Anti-Corruption Manual, training, communication plan to strengthen the Integrity culture, risk matrix, reputational assessment of third parties, integrity channel and ombudsman and Integrity Commission.

As a result of the advances and maturation of its pillars, the program continued its improvement process in 2021, with emphasis on the Klabin Integrity and Ombudsman Channel, which has been an essential tool for identifying situations of violation of the Company's values and principles, as well as for the application of corrective and preventive measures.

Also as a result of the maturing of its Integrity Program, Klabin obtained external recognition for its initiatives, for example, with the Ethics Week, an annual event aimed at promoting, reflecting and disseminating ethical issues in the Company.

A portal dedicated to integrity issues was created on the My Klabin intranet, in which the employee can access information about the program. Integrity topics were also taken to the Company's unit in Argentina, in a specific event as part of actions to reinforce the culture of integrity throughout the Company.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct was revised to include diversity, the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD), the Klabin Attitude (company culture) and the KSDGs (Klabin's Sustainable Development Goals) among the topics addressed, in addition to the requirements of anti-corruption and antitrust legislation. 

Klabin thus attests to its commitment to building ethical relationships in indoor and outdoor environments, contributing to make the business environment more transparent, fair and sustainable. This evolution is consolidated in the strengthening of the Company's image and reputation, in addition to producing positive repercussions on the business strategy. 

The efforts made in this direction were recognized, having directly influenced the score obtained in the Dow Jones Index (93 on a scale of 100 in the Business Ethics category), which earned Klabin the position of best company in its segment in the Ethics and Integrity category.

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Fighting sexual harassment as a priority topic in 2021

governança / integridade - Combate ao assédio

Brazilian Association of Business Communication (Aberje): the main national reference center in the production and dissemination of knowledge and business communication practices.


Sexual harassment: a single act or repeated action in which a person, who may be a woman or a man, is embarrassed by a hierarchical superior, or by another person who has some type of ascendancy inherent to the exercise of the position, with the intention of obtaining sexual advantage or favor.


Future prospects

The Company remains committed to the highest ethical and Integrity standards, by monitoring and improving its Integrity Program.

See GRI indicators 102-16, 102-17, 205-1, 205-2, and 205-3 in the ESG Panel.