Forestry base
Forestry base
The Forestry Unit consists of 284,000 hectares of cultivated pine and eucalyptus forests in the states of Paraná, Santa Catarina and São Paulo, which supply Klabin's industrial facilities. The Company is proud to conserve 265,000 hectares of native forests in these regions.

Unprecedented certifications
Ecosystem services: the services that nature provides to mankind and that are indispensable for its survival, associated with the quality of life and well-being of society.
SEE GLOSSARYRPPN: acronym for Natural Heritage Private Reserve. It is a private domain conservation unit (UC) category, whose objective is to conserve biological diversity. The creation of a UC does not affect the ownership of the property. In addition to contributing to the expansion of protected areas in the country, private reserves help to protect the biodiversity in Brazilian biomes.
SEE GLOSSARYIn order to obtain these certifications, the Company committed to diagnosing, monitoring and maintaining the region's biodiversity, as well as to protecting the areas against fires, hunting and illegal fishing, maintaining the quality and availability of water resources, and continually deepening our knowledge of the ecosystem.
Klabin was also a pioneer in the country in obtaining FSC® – Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC-C0172336 e FSC-C006109) certification for the pine kraft lignin and for the black liquor, previously only useless byproducts of the pulp manufacturing process. The company received certification following the adoption of new practices, which led to the total reuse of these substances.
Also in 2021, Klabin received Imaflora certification to attest to the feasibility of producing certified honey in its native forests, within the scope of the Company's certification. Thanks to the Apiculture and Meliponiculture program, developed in partnership with the Planalto Serrano Catarinense Beekeepers Association (AAPSC), producers received the Imaflora chain of custody certification for the forest management of honey production.