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Forest development

Forests are the basis of Klabin's products today and in the future. Hence the company's expansion strategy is directly linked both to research and development projects for the improvement of its main raw material and to forest productivity. The Company is active in forest expansion processes, which are evaluated from the R&D standpoint to reach the productive potential of the acquired areas.

In 2021, advances were made with projects aimed at the genetic improvement of pine and eucalyptus and in clone development. In addition, new weather and climate monitoring stations were installed in areas where the company operates in Paraná, and the installation of stations in Santa Catarina is planned for 2022. The company's monitoring level has increased significantly.

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Genetic improvement

A total of 230,000 eucalyptus seedlings and 35,000 pine seedlings were allocated to genetic improvement and cloning projects.

Clone patent

Protection for another clone (patent) was obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, totaling 14 protected clones for exclusive use by Klabin in recent years.

Increased productivity

In 2021, five new clones were recommended for operational plantations, which have 21% higher productivity compared to the existing forest base.


Four more weather stations were installed, totaling 36 stations for climate monitoring and weather forecasting in Paraná.

See indicators related to the Forest yeld material topic in the ESG Panel.

Biological pest control

Aware of the influence of climate change on forests, Klabin developed a pilot project in 2021 to monitor pests in 50,000 hectares of forests, which may result in savings of BRL 2.5 million in pest control activities. Company experts identified, in a pioneering way, two types of insects that are natural enemies of pests, representing an important biological control agent for the forest-based industry as a whole. These insects are in the preserved native forests and Klabin's mosaic forest management model allows the interaction of insects that are natural enemies of pests, increasing control.

Automatic truck cleaning

In order to increase the productivity and safety of the drivers who work at the Parana Forestry Unit, Klabin, in partnership with the company Aeroville, developed a bark blower for cleaning the body of the wood transportation trucks. Inspired by a system for train cars in Finland, the equipment, installed at the Puma Unit's wood yards, works with two electric motors, which are activated by sensors that detect the arrival of the vehicle, thus producing a strong blast of air. The system reduces the body cleaning time by up to 70%, since it eliminates the manual process. It also guarantees more safety for the driver, who, by not having to climb on the body, avoids exposure to the risk of falling or coming into contact with venomous animals.