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Information security and technology

Technological updating, which is one of the major challenges in Klabin's growth trajectory, became even more challenging to meet an increasingly sustainable process chain and also the adaptations required with the Covid-19 pandemic, which required technology solutions, according to the needs of the business. 

For cybersecurity, Klabin's value proposal is to ensure technological capabilities strengthened and suited to protect individuals and institutions with which it relates, considering the new challenges arising from the development of artificial intelligence. The topic integrates the risk vision, and all initiatives are guided by the IEC:62446, ISO27001, NIST, and CIS standards, responsible for identifying, assessing, and reporting legal and regulatory, IT and cyber security risks for information assets. The Company has a management responsible for cyber security, which also supports the business objectives and promotes constant training of employees on security posture and good practices. 

General Data Protection Act (LGPD)

Klabin met the requirements of the General Data Protection Act by setting up a multidisciplinary agenda, reviewing processes, and creating new controls and internal awareness campaigns.

See the indicators related to the Information security material topic in the ESG Panel.