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What's important to know about this report

How the content is organized

The 23rd edition of Klabin's Sustainability Report presents the highlights of the Company's performance in 2021 towards the Klabin Sustainable Development Goals (KSDGs) and its Aspiration.

This text presents the challenges and the how the company acts to address them, as well as its achievements, which reinforce its solidity, its commitment to building a sustainable future, and its journey towards growth. 

The results listed here, as well as the main initiatives and practices adopted by the Company, refer to the period from January 1 to December 31, 2021. Eventually, however, information was recorded relating to early 2022, considered relevant for representing achievements already made or progress in important stages of ongoing processes. The topics addressed were raised by means of a survey with Klabin's main stakeholders.

The indicators linked to the management of these topics are concentrated in the ESG Panel, which also contains data from previous years and the Company's current position in relation to the targets set for the coming years.

The content of this report was organized based on the Klabin 2030 Agenda, named KSDGs (Klabin Sustainable Development Goals), which relates the Company's strategy in its sustainable development journey to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It summarizes the material topics and environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices in the 23 KSDG topics, grouped into five axes: 

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A section dedicated to Klabin's presentation, the Message from Management, and a glossary of technical terms used in this edition complement the material.

The content of this report was guided by both the KSDGs and the following references:

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To clarify doubts or to obtain additional information about Klabin, access the Contact Us tab. 

See GRI indicators 102-40, 102-45, 102-48, 102-50, 102-51,102-52, 102-54, and 102-56 in the ESG Panel.